prescription for beauty

prescription for beauty

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


As much as I want to settle down, I don't want to feel like I'm settling.  I've found that I like the chase and seem to only want something when I can't have it. The past few first dates I have been on we're complete role reversal. I find it ironic that the cliche is that women scare men off by bringing up those topics, lately it has been the guys bringing up marriage, children, future plans.  I'm open and honest: I want to get married, I don't want children, and I would like to move away.

Last night, the current guy asked, "When do you want kids?"
[Keep in mind, this was the second time hanging out.]
I replied, "Never, I don't have time."
Boy, "You just have to get your priorities straight."

I then made a self-absorbed comment about how I didn't have any stretch marks and didn't want to attain them.
That seemed to satisfy more than my previous answer.

Since when did having children become a "priority"?

I am a double-degree college educated professional with a full time job. I have no debt to speak of, I go to the gym on a regular basis, and I use SPF 30. I feel like my priorities are just fine, I just don't have any desire to be pregnant and birth a child.

Now I can't help but wonder if I am scaring guys off when they are hit with the possibility their seed may not be carried on.

Other friends with and without children, my mother, random strangers all tell me the same thing: "when you meet the right one you'll change your mind."

How does that matter? To me, meeting the right one is someone who shares my values and goals. So wouldn't that mean someone who also isn't interested in children, someone who enjoys wine and traveling, and doesn't mind that I refuse to do yard work.

People can call me selfish, self-absorbed, an insensitive bitch- and they'd probably be right. But why is wanting my life to be the way I've imagined any of those things? I don't condemn those who have children and spend all their time raising them. That was clearly one of their life desires and they are living it out.  I'm more than fulfilled taking care of my residents every day...I know that if I have a sudden desire to clean-up fecal matter, that could easily be arranged.  My dogs are spoiled rotten and jealous of anything that gets my attention.

For now, I'm maintaining my independence. While looking for someone to share it with.

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